Letter From Rep. Troxclair

I am writing on behalf of Rep. Troxclair in gratitude for that community meeting last night about the BESS facility proposed for Tivydale Road. It was a great opportunity for our District Liaison Stacy Smith, who attended, to hear what people are thinking. Your concerns are our concerns! Rep. Troxclair is honored to be the voice for Harper in the Texas House, and she has already filed HB 1343
which brings much needed accountability to these facilities, and is working closely with Representative-elect Wes Virdell on his HB 1378
which sets a broader margin of land between these facilities and local residences.
Also writing to ask about getting an item into your newsletter, which deadline looks to be December 15th? Let me know if this would be possible.
We wanted to let folks know that Representative Troxclair and stands alongside Harper as you face this situation, and make sure they have the office contact information.
Catherine Van Arnam | Communications Director
State Representative Ellen Troxclair | HD-19
catherine.vanarnam@house.texas.gov | E1.208 | 512-463-0490

Development Requirements

Development in Harper, Texas has few review bodies as Harper is an unincorporated community. The following list is a list of development requirements specific to the Peregrine Energy Solutions Development proposed on FM 2093 in Harper, Texas.

Download "Peregrine Energy Solutions Development.docx"